Donation Form Usability
Jakob Nielsen is considered the leading expert on website usability in the world. His firm, the Nielsen Norman Group, does [...]

Bragging on my Farmer’s Market—Williamsburg wins American Farmland Trust contest
Willliamsburg, Virginia is America's #1 Farmers Market! American Farmland Trust held the first ever America’s Favorite Farmers Markets™ contest to raise national awareness about the importance of supporting fresh food from local farms and farmers. [...]

Why Twitter Matters
The Social Networking tool Twitter has become a mainstay in my daily routine. In my line of work (nonprofit consulting) it’s [...]

Tools Galore in Online Communication – Women Who Tech 2009
Tools Galore in Online Communication - Women Who Tech 2009 panel featuring the Director of New Media for the Democratic National Committee, Idealware and Google Earth Outreach. [...]