Alan Rosenblatt, Ph.D. is a digital and social media strategist, professor & thought leader with over 25 years’ experience at the intersection of digital/social media and public affairs. Alan is SVP for Digital Strategies at turner4D and Director of Digital Research at Lake Research Partners. His work focuses on using digital and social media to better understand public opinion, drive political and policy campaigns, and educate the public on key issues of the day. His pioneering work in digital politics includes teaching the first-ever college course on digital politics in 1995; creating the first state issues online advocacy consultancy; creating the enterprise social media program at the Center for American Progress; writing a column for; teaching graduate courses on digital politics at Johns Hopkins, American and George Washington Universities; training tens of thousands of online activists around the world; and hosting The Dr. DigiPol Show. Alan is a frequent writer and speaker on the topic of digital politics, writing for the HuffingtonPost, techPresident, Roll Call, Campaigns & Elections, appearing on many TV and radio news programs, and keynoting/speaking at many conferences. Alan has a Ph.D., M.A. and B.A. in Political Science He can be found across social media @DrDigiPol.