Amy Barker, Database Administrator at Pine Street Inn
Amy Barker has been using Raiser's Edge® for over 24 years, Blackbaud Luminate Online® for over 16 years, and Omatic products for over 12 years. After a brief five-year stint as a software implementation consultant at Omatic Software, she is back in the land of nonprofits, and is joyfully doing database administration for the Pine Street Inn in Boston.
She lives in Dresden, Maine on a little mini-homestead with her partner and what feels like a million animals and does a lot of cooking, gardening, art, and herbal medicine making in her free time. An avid hiker, she spends a few hours a month helping the Maine Chapter of the International Appalachian Trail with their database, trail work, and membership programs, as well as staggering up a mountain or two here and there.