Charlie Vanek joined MicroEdge in October 2012. Charlie has had broad responsibilities in the software and information sector for the last eleven years including roles in Operations, New Product Development, Product Marketing and Business Development. He is responsible for MicroEdge’s partnership and acquisition strategy.
Charlie joined MicroEdge from Thomson Reuters, where he was Head of Insurance Solutions, Financial and Risk, directing Sales, Marketing and Product Development for Thomson Reuters’ insurance information and software business. Prior to that, Charlie had progressive experience in Thomson Reuters’ Business of Law division. At FindLaw, Charlie was a patent assignee to the Thomson Corporation for products that convert textual information to visual graphs.
Before Thomson Reuters, Charlie worked in Yield Management and Corporate Finance at Northwest Airlines. He has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Iowa State University and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago. He is on the Board of Directors at Open Eye Figure Theatre, a 501(c)3 in Minneapolis.