The sgENGAGE Podcast Episode 141: Engaging & Retaining New Supporters with a Long-Haul Approach
Aubrey Bergauer, Executive Director of the Center for Innovative Leadership and VP of Strategic Communications at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, joins the podcast to talk about developing a long-haul approach to fundraising,

The Benefits of Having Digitally Savvy Board – for Museums & Nonprofits Too!
Museums and other arts and cultural organizations need board members who will advance digital innovation and transform museums into truly modern organizations that are prepared to face today’s world.

The sgENGAGE Podcast Episode 78: Last Minute Tips for Year-End Giving
In this episode of sgENGAGE, Steve MacLaughlin interviews Tanya Fitzgerald on end-of-year giving strategies.

Another Case of FOMO? Or Is There Really a Need for MORE Cultivation Events?
Donor and member events can often times leave entire groups of patrons uninvited. Here are tips to ensure everyone is thought of!

What’s Your Conversion Rate: Live from #BBCON
Blackbaud hosted its annual conference for nonprofits from September 29 through October 1 in National Harbor, MD. Nonprofit experts from [...]

Adopting a New CRM? 4 Change Management Tips for Small Nonprofits
There is something special about smaller social good organizations. It’s as if you’re a magnet for selfless, hard-working, passionate, I-don’t-care-how-many-hats-I-have-to-wear kind [...]

Changemaker Spotlight: Shemitria Smith, Clark Atlanta University
This Q&A series aims to provide readers with valuable insights from changemakers across the social impact community. Shemitria Smith, M.Ed. [...]

Best Fundraising Tips Ever: Experts Share Ideas That Work
You can’t work in the social good sector without being very familiar with the concept of paying it forward. Donors [...]

3 Roles of the Nonprofit CFO that Lead to Mission Success
The most successful nonprofit CFOs take on three key roles: Builder, Strategic Decision-Maker and Cultural Trendsetter. Learn how to embody each of these roles to make mission success happen.

Harnessing Higher Education Advancement Technology to the Fullest
Universities across the globe face challenges with successful digital transformation and what it means for their fundraising and alumni data, [...]