Spring Clean Your Work Life: Tips from Your Fellow Social Good Pros

Spring has officially sprung, and it’s the perfect time to give your workspace a refresh! We asked our Blackbaud Champions for their best tips on how to get a new start at work this spring. Read below for how to give your work a breath of fresh air this season.
1. Refresh Your Space
There’s no better opportunity to spring clean your work life than to take a break to tidy your space. Whether you’re at home, at the office, in a hybrid situation, or on the go, make sure you have a dedicated place to work that supports productivity. Give your desk a wipe-down, remove any clutter, change up your décor, or add a new plant. You’ll be glad you did!
I added some fidget ‘toys’ to my desk for folks to use when visiting and brought in a light therapy lamp because I work in a space with no windows.
– Lora Cowan, assistant director, advancement services at Tennessee Technological University
Make sure your desktop setup at work (and home office) is efficiently laid out. I reworked my office workspace to be as similar to my home set up as possible. I find that I am equally productive in both spaces with no transition ‘issues’. The only difference is my home office includes Max, our Blue Fronted Amazon, who always wants to chat!
– Pam Holden, business analyst at University of South Florida Research Foundation
2. Foster Mindfulness
What if you can’t change up your physical workspace? Blackbaud Champions recommend a spring cleaning for your mind, too!
I have started taking some time each day for ten minutes of meditation. This refreshes me and gives me the energy to stay focused and productive.
– Kendrah Richards, donor stewardship officer at Tallahassee Community College
Our office has a weekly mindfulness session. Once a week, I join my colleagues for a brief guided meditation and some discussion. It’s a refreshing break in the work week that allows me to focus on my well-being.
– Sharla Donohue, database manager, American Brain Foundation
Leave work at work! Make time to simplify things!
– Heather Butler, special events coordinator at Ronald McDonald House Charities NL
3. Optimize Your Time
Once your physical space is sparkling and your mind is clear, maximize your productivity so you can use every minute to the fullest. Social good work is fulfilling and fast-paced, and these tips can help you stay afloat on the busy days.
I go through my checklist and goals list every morning, so I know what I am working toward every day.
– Rosalinda Miguel, assistant to the director at Posse Foundation
Use the tech tools that help you organize– rules to move non-urgent emails to a ‘later’ folder, tasks & calendars to manage projects, and set blocks of time for uninterrupted project work.
– Joan Perry, development and marketing coordinator at Brevard Schools Foundation
I’ve created a ‘No Meeting Monday’ block on, you guessed it, Mondays. It’s a wonderful chance to start the week strong– and makes me think very hard if something is important enough to add to that time.
– Sarah Cassidy, director, external affairs at Cancer Hope network, Inc.
I am adopting the habit of opening emails only at certain times in a day for focused time and concentration.
– Prakash Thapaliya, fund development systems administrator at Closer to Home
How are you spring cleaning your work life? Leave your tips in the comments below. If you’ll be implementing any of the above tips, let us know which one and how by leaving a comment.
If you’re a Blackbaud customer and aren’t part of the Champions program, check out the community. It’s a great way to meet people who have the same experiences and expertise who can offer guidance and support through first-hand accounts of partnering with Blackbaud.