Get Your Grant-Funded Nonprofit Started in Fundraising
Grants are an integral lifeline for many nonprofits, providing the necessary funding to launch new initiatives, sustain critical programs, and [...]

What is Online Fundraising? A Digital Way Nonprofits Can Increase Support
Quick Definition Online fundraising is the process of raising donations for a cause, project, or organization through digital platforms such [...]

Convert the Next Wave of Rage Donors into Lifelong Supporters
Now that the votes for the 2024 election in the U.S. have been cast, nonprofit organizations should be prepared for [...]

Best Fundraising Tips Ever: Experts Share Ideas That Work
You can’t work in the social good sector without being very familiar with the concept of paying it forward. Donors [...]

How to Use AI for the Right Ask (Without Being Creepy)
We’ve all received cringe-worthy fundraising messages that just don’t feel quite human. They’re vague, don’t explain the impact of the [...]

Rethinking Annual Giving Metrics: A New Storyline for Higher Ed
For many years, the overarching narrative for annual giving in higher education fundraising has been the same: We’re getting bigger [...]

Unlock Millions in New Funding via Stock Donations
Nonprofit organizations, higher education institutions, and healthcare foundations are embracing stock gifting to diversify and grow funding as the rebound [...]

Creating an Incredible Annual Report for Your Organization
Have you ever embarked on the tremendous pile of work involved in creating your annual donor report and wondered whether [...]

AI Can Be Your Most Powerful Tool for Growing Midlevel Giving
Midlevel donors don’t always get the love they deserve. This loyal and often overlooked segment of donors represents a significant [...]

How to Make a Donor Profile in 5 Easy Steps
You can make a useful and insightful donor profile with data from a few donors and a couple hours of your time. Here are the five steps to get you started!