5 Ways Fund Accounting Software Makes Nonprofit Budgeting Simple
Building your nonprofit budget is often like putting together a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. You know what you want it to [...]

What to Do When Your Nonprofit Budget Gets Blindsided
With quickly evolving community needs and the ever-present possibility of a climate event or economic downturn, nonprofits know how to [...]

How Purchase Cards Simplify Nonprofit Accounting
Lost receipts, multiple tracking spreadsheets, and unchecked spending, oh my! Is this sounding like your month-end scramble? These hurdles are [...]

3 Ways to Create Efficiencies in Your Nonprofit’s Monthly Finance Workflow
I love the saying: Where your attention goes, energy flows. We want to put our energy into the right things [...]

Making a Case for Calculating Your Nonprofit’s Indirect Costs
If the 500-piece puzzle you are working on only has 475 pieces, you would not only have gaps in the [...]

The 10 Most Popular ENGAGE Articles Published in 2022
Hundreds of ENGAGE articles have been written by outstanding leaders and subject matter experts across the social good community in [...]

Recession-Proofing Is Just the Beginning: Building a Savvy Strategy for the Future
Rolling with the punches has become a hallmark of fundraising over the last few years; riding the waves of pandemic, [...]

9 Engaging, Event-Free Fundraisers for Teams on a Budget
As a nonprofit professional, you know how important fundraising is to the mission-driven space. Fundraisers raise awareness for your brand, [...]

10 Considerations for Creating a Budgeting Process
Creating a successful and actionable budgeting process is no easy task, but it is one of the key components of non-profit accounting.

Budget Changes? Keep Calm and Carry On with These Tips!
If 2020 taught us anything, it was how to face adversity head-on and power through. But going forward, many of [...]