Engage Lapsed Donors as Volunteers
As we wind down the year 2011, we reflect on a year of challenges, both with the economy and its [...]
Participant Value After the Event
As we continue to ramp up for the spring event season, I want to bring a strategic data point to [...]
Accidental Giver or Loyal Supporter
Word on the street is that acquiring new donors and then retaining them is getting more and more difficult and [...]
I heard it on the news
The vast majority of donor acquisition spend today is on direct mail. But just about every report you read shows [...]
How to Chat It Up With Major Donors
If you are like most non-profits, you define a major donor by the size of the gift to your organization. [...]
Scary Supporter Horror Stories
People share their nightmares with me. Well, ok – maybe that’s overstating it. They vent. And it freaks me out. [...]
7 ways to say thanks
It breaks my fundraising heart when I hear about gifts going unthanked. Saying thank you isn’t just polite; it’s the [...]
Art of the Ask: 10 Steps to a Yes!
A how to guide for fundraisers to solicit major gifts [...]
Breaking out of the Volunteer Data Silo
Breaking out of the Volunteer Data Silo [...]
Guys Like Good Causes Too
eMarketer recently had an article called “Men Care About Causes Too” that highlights some new research. A survey by PRWeek [...]