Don’t Jeopardize Your Nonprofit Compliance with a Commercial Accounting System
Grant-funded nonprofits know compliance isn’t a nice-to-have. It’s a must-have. You might be able to win back an unhappy donor [...]
How to Get Leadership Buy-in for Streamlining Your Grantee Application
As a grants manager, you know how important it is to have a clear and efficient grantee application process. You [...]
4 Ways to Help Your Grantmaking Organization Adopt an Emergent Learning Mindset
Curiosity, transparency, diversity, vulnerability, and collaboration. At PEAK Grantmaking, these qualities and practices of emergent learning are an everyday endeavor [...]
10 Tips for Mastering Your Grantmaking Dashboards
The dashboard on your car gives you real-time information that helps you make better decisions about your driving. Are you [...]
Investigating and Improving the Questions You Ask Grantees
Back in the mid-2010s, I served as chair of the selection committee for the Washington, DC region’s biggest award recognizing [...]
Need a New Grant Management System? 5 Tips for Selecting the Best GMS for Your Foundation
Changing a core piece of software at your grantmaking organization is no picnic. But inertia is not an option when [...]
4 Ways Funders Can Help Grant Writers Submit a Great Application
Grant writers are often the unsung heroes of the application process. They parse the grant documentation to understand if their [...]
Data as Decision in Grantmaking
In grantmaking, one word makes more eyes glaze over than any other – data. Those who find it fun are [...]
Grantmakers’ Questions as a Way Toward Change
Knowledge work in philanthropy is a big umbrella, expanding exponentially over the last decade to cover more of what grants [...]
Beyond the Newest Philanthropy Buzzword: Knowledge Work Is Core to Equitable Change
Philanthropy loves “new” things. Today, knowledge work is coming into fashion in foundations and the nonprofit sector. But it is [...]