What Would Your Organization Do With a $50 Million Donation?
What does the path to a $50 million donation look like? It begins with you believing it is possible. Then, [...]

How to Make a Donor Profile in 5 Easy Steps
You can make a useful and insightful donor profile with data from a few donors and a couple hours of your time. Here are the five steps to get you started!

How to Make Your Capital Campaign an Effective Trojan Horse
Do you remember that huge wooden horse that the Greeks left outside the gates of Troy during the Trojan War? [...]

7 Database Goals for Your Independent School’s Capital Campaign
When evaluating your school’s readiness for a capital campaign, database readiness might not be at the top of the list [...]

Top 4 Donor Prospect Research Tips Leading to Bigger Gifts
Learn the four most effective ways prospect researchers can contribute more donors and dollars to their organization.

Let it Go: When to Move on from a Major Gift Prospect
Seven contact attempts over six months, via at least two contact methods.This marks the end of the qualification road for [...]

Leveraging AI in Major Gift Fundraising: A Game-Changer in Philanthropy
Welcome to the artificial intelligence era. You might have noticed: AI is everywhere. You can barely go a day without [...]

Engagement Tools to Prepare Your Board for a Capital Campaign
If you’re reading a blog post with the words “capital campaign” and “board” in the headline, you might be spiraling [...]

AI, Analytics, and Your Nonprofit’s Technology Strategy
Nonprofit leaders often have an all-or-nothing response to the question of using artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Either they’re all in [...]

The 10 Most Popular ENGAGE Articles in 2023
Hundreds of ENGAGE articles have been written by outstanding leaders and subject matter experts across the social good community in [...]