The Effectiveness of Celebrity Spokespeople in Social Fundraisers
New platforms like Crowdrise, Razoo, HelpAttack and many others are springing up along side establish platforms like Friends Asking Friends [...]

Accidental Giver or Loyal Supporter
Word on the street is that acquiring new donors and then retaining them is getting more and more difficult and [...]

Kickstart Your Supporters with 5 NEW Fundraising Contest Ideas
We’ve all seen and likely used the typical “raise $100 this week and be entered into a drawing”. But I’d like to get you thinking about nonprofit fundraising contests a little differently.

The Power of Social Fundraising and Friends Asking Friends [INFOGRAPHIC]
Social fundraising revenue has more than doubled online over the past 5yrs – reaching close to the billion-dollar mark – with no signs of slowing down.

25 Largest Online Fundraising Nonprofits in 2010
The Chronicle of Philanthropy is not only a great publication, but they also publish some excellent research about online fundraising [...]

Happy Birthday to Me (and My Cause)
Even though I love shoes and earrings, this birthday I decided I probably had a sufficient collection of both. So using [...]

Hey man, I’m fundraising for this awesome charity
How many times have you gotten the phone call or email that says “Hey man, I’m raising money for XXX [...]

Before facebook… there was Friends Asking Friends
In 1999, an idea based on online greeting cards changed peer-to-peer fundraising forever. Do you ever wonder where you’d be [...]

Making Changes to Your Game Plan
Every week NFL coaches watch tons on film on their upcoming opponent and create a game plan to be victorious. [...]

The Power of One
I recently read that the average facebook user has roughly 130 friends. That’s pretty amazing. Dunbar’s number doesn’t give an exact, [...]