It’s Time to Make Room at the Table
As we prepare for the generational transfer of wealth, we need to transfer brain power as well. Is your Board of Directors prepared?
Do you want to be extraordinary or average?
The First Noble Truths of Fundraising of is Open. You need to be open to ideas, to new ways of looking at your fundraising program, to data, to measuring your results, to managing your staff… okay; you basically need to open to everything.
Your Team’s Success Begins with Good Goal Setting
Good goals provide an agreed-upon structure or context within which progress can be evaluated. Without this context, it's hard to assess progress and growth.
Jargon and Acronyms—You Said What??
Here are some common and not so common terms you may come across and now you won’t have to ask that embarrassing question – “What did they say?”
Data Dictionary: Variables and Analytical Learning
Analytics can be overwhelming or confusing without the proper context. This month, I will attempt to explain what some of that crazy jargon is.
Don’t Forget to Refill the Tank!
Ok, how many of you have run out of gas in your car? I know it is not an easy [...]
5 Workplace Volunteer Coordination Tips
Most of my posts are written for the non-profit audience, but this month, I’m taking a different approach. I’d like [...]
Advice for Women Leaders
According to the US Department of Labor, in 2010 “the median weekly earnings of women who were full-time wage and [...]
Sometimes inspirational quotes aren’t enough
Getting reinvigorated when the universe is conspiring against you. [...]
From Our Hearts to Yours
A few years ago, called the prospect research, “the best-kept-secret” – one of nonprofit’s “hidden heroes.” Well, I didn’t [...]