Advice for Women Leaders
According to the US Department of Labor, in 2010 “the median weekly earnings of women who were full-time wage and [...]

Maximizing Lifetime Value Part 1
Recurring giving is where the money is. Let's talk about that - what's a recurring gift? What's a pledge? Why should you care? Don't leave money on the table. [...]

Before facebook… there was Friends Asking Friends
In 1999, an idea based on online greeting cards changed peer-to-peer fundraising forever. Do you ever wonder where you’d be [...]

Canada’s Most Generous Online Cities
Our third annual ranking of the Most Generous Cites in the US for Online Giving to charity sparked a number of [...]

What Makes Canadians Tick and Give
When I lived in the US for nearly six years, it was usually subtle things—like the pronunciation of ‘about’ or [...]

The Most Charitable Time of the Year
Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, the same US consumers clamoring for the best deal on a flat-screen [...]

Following the #convio10 hashtag is almost like being in every session at the 2010 Convio Summit. [...]

10 Tips to Jumpstart Your Nonprofit Social Media Plan
10 Tips to Jumpstart Your Nonprofit Social Media Plan from Convio, PayPal and the ASPCA [...]

Single Channel Communication is Dead
Direct mail is dead. Email is dead. TV and radio are dead. Face to face is dead. Telegraph is dead. [...]

From 10NTC: 7 Key Lessons for Integrated Multichannel Fundraising
Multichannel is the word du jour during the NTC conference in Atlanta @10NTC, but what considerations should nonprofits make before [...]