Happy Birthday to Me (and My Cause)
Even though I love shoes and earrings, this birthday I decided I probably had a sufficient collection of both. So using [...]

Art of the Ask: 10 Steps to a Yes!
A how to guide for fundraisers to solicit major gifts [...]

Keys to Following Up with Disaster Response Donors
I’ve been following the fundraising response to Japan very closely and so I was very pleased to be able to sit down with Katie Beth DeSchepper of StrategicOne earlier today. Convio acquired StrategicOne earlier this year, and they have done significant analytics on disaster donations with some hefty data sets to look at, so Katie Beth had some excellent suggestions. [...]

It Takes Two to Table
Don’t tell anyone, but there was a time in my life when I didn’t know what “tabling” was. I was [...]

Professional Development, Budgets, and Goals – Part I
I just recently finished speaking at the CASE District VII Conference and I was thrilled to be asked and like [...]

Hey man, I’m fundraising for this awesome charity
How many times have you gotten the phone call or email that says “Hey man, I’m raising money for XXX [...]

Before facebook… there was Friends Asking Friends
In 1999, an idea based on online greeting cards changed peer-to-peer fundraising forever. Do you ever wonder where you’d be [...]

What’s our vector, Victor?
This past weekend, I did something epic. Monumental. Life Changing. I finally saw Airplane! on the big screen. I would [...]

10 Tips to Jumpstart Your Nonprofit Social Media Plan
10 Tips to Jumpstart Your Nonprofit Social Media Plan from Convio, PayPal and the ASPCA [...]

Quality, not just quantity
Recent changes at ISPs and Gmail make it more important than ever that you segment your house file and pay attention to your subscribers' behavior. [...]