5 Workplace Volunteer Coordination Tips
Most of my posts are written for the non-profit audience, but this month, I’m taking a different approach. I’d like [...]

Does your event goal have you thinking…ugh?
If so, no worries, we’ve all felt that the feeling of “ugh… followed by one question… how am I ever [...]

Conquering the Prospect Screening Elephant
“Where do I begin?” This is the question I hear most frequently when presenting prospect screening results. After explaining what [...]

3 Tips for Email Subject Lines
When it’s time to develop the content for an email appeal, the subject line is typically the last thing to [...]

Data – Whipped into Shape!
You’ve heard the phrase that data is a commodity. In my 17 years of experience, while serving thousands of non-profit [...]

Mobilize Those Mobile Eyes Again
In part 1 of Mobilize Those Mobile Eyes, I wrote about the different facets of the mobile channel that your [...]

188 Billion Emails Sent A Day
Yesterday a friend told me that we send about 188 billion emails a day. I did digging and found all kinds [...]

The TED of Direct Marketing
Recent research suggests that economic and policy changes over the last five years are continuing to make things difficult for [...]

Locking in High-Level Commitments
You work hard to get people’s attention. You hone your story and shout it from the rooftops. You market your [...]

Scanning for Good: 5 Reasons QR Codes Are a Safe Option for Nonprofits
At last year’s Blackbaud Conference for Nonprofits, Allison Nassour and I presented to a full room on the topic of [...]