2011 Online Giving Trends

Blackbaud released its 2011 Online Giving report today. The report combines findings from The Blackbaud Index of Online Giving with additional multi-year giving data to provide the most comprehensive analysis of online giving trends in the nonprofit sector.
The report includes 24 months of online giving data from 1,895 nonprofit organizations, online major giving data from 2,397 nonprofits, and both online and offline data representing $5.1 billion in total fundraising from 1,560 nonprofits.
Here are some key findings in the 2011 Online Giving Report:
- Online giving was up 13% on a year-over-year basis when large International Affairs organizations are removed from the analysis.
- 54% of the organizations in the analysis experienced results at or above this growth rate.
- Large organizations grew by 8.6% and medium organizations grew 13.1% in 2011. Smaller nonprofits grew 12.8% compared to the same time period in 2010.
- When large International Affairs organizations are included in the analysis the growth rate drops to 0.3%.
- The Japanese earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 had no significant effect on the overall online giving trends.
- 34.8% of online giving happened in October, November, and December of 2011.
- 87% of organizations had at least one online gift of $1,000 or more.
- The percentage of total fundraising that comes from online giving decreased to 6.3%.
- Every nonprofit sector in the analysis has had double-digit online fundraising growth since 2009.
Lots more data, trends, and analysis in the complete report. You can download the 2011 Online Giving Report here.
Many special thanks to Jim O’Shaughnessy and Allison Van Diest for their help on the report again this year.