Harnessing Higher Education Advancement Technology to the Fullest
Universities across the globe face challenges with successful digital transformation and what it means for their fundraising and alumni data, [...]

From Prospective Student to Active Alum—Engagement Fosters Lifelong Support
When you hear the name of your alma mater, what feelings bubble up? What keeps you engaged? In our family, my husband, daughter, [...]

10 Ways to Unlock your School’s Giving Day Potential
Giving Days are time-sensitive fundraising events aimed at rallying communities to maximize engagement and donations to your institution and so [...]

Q&A with sgLEADERS: Tim Snyder, Wake Forest University
Tim Snyder, associate vice president of Alumni and Donor Services at Wake Forest University, shares his professional insights in this Q&A series on social good leadership.

How to Hype Homecoming Using Social Media
Developing a social media strategy for homecoming to boost alumni attendance, online interaction, and your year-round marketing initiatives.

Engaged Young Alumni = Future Dollars!
Your young alumni are your future major gift and planned giving donors, but only if you engage with them early [...]

22 Ways to Stay Connected with Your School’s Alumni on Facebook
Social Media for Schools. Connecting with Alumni on Facebook is critical. Learn ways to get more likes, improve EdgeRank & create posts that go viral.

Acknowledging and Recognizing Donor Loyalty
Recently, I read my colleague Laura Worcester’s post on this site “Discover the Sally Fields in Your Database.” As I [...]

Phone-a-thons: Extinct or Re-Purposed?
Updates from October 31, 2011: We are sharing with you an email excerpt between the author Laura Worcester and ProspectResearch.com [...]

Peer Screening 201
Recently I offered reasons as to why Peer Screening—the use of volunteers to evaluate a list of their peers’ donor [...]