Re-engaging Donors: The Time is Now!!
Like many of you I spent the first quarter of the year getting ready for April 15th. As I was [...]

Keys to Following Up with Disaster Response Donors
I’ve been following the fundraising response to Japan very closely and so I was very pleased to be able to sit down with Katie Beth DeSchepper of StrategicOne earlier today. Convio acquired StrategicOne earlier this year, and they have done significant analytics on disaster donations with some hefty data sets to look at, so Katie Beth had some excellent suggestions. [...]

Professional Development, Budgets, and Goals – Part I
I just recently finished speaking at the CASE District VII Conference and I was thrilled to be asked and like [...]

10 Guiding Principles for Any Ask: Part IV
The final three suggestions in Laura Fredrick’s book “The 10 Guiding Principles for Any Ask,” may be the most important. [...]

Facebook and Prospect Research – Too Big Brother?
When I was a front-line fundraiser, I used to read the newspaper every morning and clip out pictures of board [...]