As a Disaster Unfolds, Fundraisers Can Do More Than Raise Money
No question that cash is crucial in a catastrophe. But if you’re a fundraiser for a nonprofit organization or school [...]
6 Tips for Quick Response During a Time of Need
The first days following a disaster like Hurricane Sandy or other emergencies can be crucial for organizations as they reach out to supporters and request help. Here are 7 tips for engaging with your supporters during a time of need.
Corporate Responsibility’s Role During Disaster Response
The unexpected news of a disaster occurring can disrupt the communities that businesses serve and where their employees and customers work and live in. So what does CSR look like during these difficult times?
Preparing for the Inevitable: How Grantmakers Can Thrive Amid Climate Events
A huge thank you to Audrey Kidwell, Grants Manager for the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, for providing many of the [...]
10 Tips for Managing Crisis Volunteers in Natural Disasters
In natural disasters, the training and quick action of first responders and emergency services save lives and livelihoods. But there [...]
4 Steps for Starting an Employee Relief Fund
Employee relief funds are becoming increasingly popular as companies look for new ways to support employees. Learn how to start one at your company.
3 Best Practices for Remote Disaster Grantmaking Response
In response to COVID-19, the President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America state that everyone should work or engage in schooling from [...]
Finding the Right Nonprofit Partner Before Disaster Strikes
Antoinette LeCouteur, Founder of Waters Edge Corporate Social Responsibility Consulting Firm, offers her expertise on disaster resilience, preparedness, and responsiveness.
Disaster Can Strike Anywhere. Is Your Organization Prepared?
After working at the Red Cross for nearly 4 years, I learned a long time ago that real disasters aren’t [...]
2011 Online Giving Trends
Blackbaud released its 2011 Online Giving report today. The report combines findings from The Blackbaud Index of Online Giving with [...]