One Email Tactic Nonprofits Need to Steal From Brand Marketers
Sending the right email message to the right constituent at the right time can be almost impossible to organize manually. But, what if it didn’t have to be that way?
3 Ways to Generate More Revenue at Your Events
Here are a few options for generating more revenue at your events. [...]
The Real ROI on Fundraising with Social Media
As your organization develops its social media fundraising strategy, don’t forget to provide fundraisers w/ tips on how to use social media to raise money!
Saying Thank You in Peer to Peer Event Fundraising
There are more opportunities and need to say thank you in a peer-to-peer fundraising event campaign than traditional organizational fundraising campaigns. Event [...]
4 Step Risk Planning for Event Fundraisers Inspired by Hurricane Sandy
For non profits whose primary source of revenue comes from a single fundraising event, the consequence of a weekend of bad weather could be closing your doors.
Sustainers and Recurring Giving at bbcon!
Sustaining giving is the most valuable investment your organization can make - it's cost-effective and encourages retention and engagement. [...]
How are you going to handle your next fundraising set back?
We all go through tough times, but how you handle adversity is what truly matters. Last week, I had the [...]
Are you ready to write it down?
A few weeks ago, on Connection Café, I shared my belief that fundraising and weight loss are kindred spirits. The [...]
Does your event goal have you thinking…ugh?
If so, no worries, we’ve all felt that the feeling of “ugh… followed by one question… how am I ever [...]
Thank you Christina Yang!
I was catching up on Grey’s Anatomy and realized Christina Yang is awesome. Yes, I know she’s just a character [...]