4 Ways Your Grantmaking Organization Can Stay Relevant to Your Community’s Changing Needs
Managing a mission while meeting the evolving needs of a community is a complex and dynamic process. As communities change [...]
The 990: From Compliance to Communication
Only 10% of philanthropic foundations have a website to communicate their work. Here at Candid, we’ve been tracking those statistics [...]
10 Things to Look for When Evaluating a Grant Proposal
Making impactful grants to the right nonprofit partners starts with a thorough grant proposal evaluation. Be sure you're looking for these 9 things.
How COVID-19 Changed the Nonprofit and Local Government Funding and Reporting Landscape
If you’re a nonprofit or local government agency or work alongside them, there is a good chance you have seen [...]
The Myth of Risk: Fear Not the Dragons, Funders
I have been on this quest for some time, sharing the message that there is no bad grant. But like [...]
Reporting for Grantmakers: Charts vs. Lists to Make Sense of Your Data
Gathering data in a digital world is the easy part of grant management. You have data on your grantees flowing [...]
Participatory Grantmaking: I’m in! Now what?
You’ve read about participatory grantmaking—and maybe even heard about other organizations using this model to distribute control of their funding [...]
Survival in the New Age of Successful Grant Management
Let's take a look at the 3 key changes in grant management, what these changes mean for nonprofits, and how resources can prepare your org for survival.
Collaborative Grantmaking: Rethinking How to Assess Impact
Traditionally, we think of impact as, “For X cost, the organization will serve Y number of people in Z amount [...]
Grantmaking: What’s Participation Got to Do with It?
In philanthropy, unlike democracy, there is often no way for people to participate–to share what they think or to influence [...]