Beyond the Event: Cultivation Strategies for your Peer to Peer Donors
Now is the time to use that passion a.k.a “runner’s high” and build off the momentum to convert peer to peer event donors to organization donors. Here are some ideas to think about when developing a donor cultivation plan:
The Great Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Donor Debate
Will peer-to-peer donors give again? Will they become organization donors? We’ve debated this topic for years and while jury’s still [...]
Peer to Peer – It’s Not Just For Races Anymore
Peer to Peer fundraising is no longer just for events. It can be leveraged by all nonprofits to boost fundraising, mission awareness, and tap into your supporters' networks.
4 Ways to Boost Retention Using Post-event Communications
With apologies to Yogi Berra for the mangled quote, in the world of peer-to-peer fundraising, an event ain’t over, even [...]
Lesson 1: Removing Yourself from the Fundraising Equation
Most of us in the peer-to-peer fundraising world would consider our walks, 5ks and rides a fundraiser. But do your participants think your event is a fundraiser?
Get in Touch With Your Event Donors
Bringing event donors into your fundraising mix can be a bit tricky. But does that mean you give up on them? Absolutely not.
Do you want to be extraordinary or average?
The First Noble Truths of Fundraising of is Open. You need to be open to ideas, to new ways of looking at your fundraising program, to data, to measuring your results, to managing your staff… okay; you basically need to open to everything.
Raising Money Using Social Media: Five Ways to Support Peer-to-Peer Fundraisers
In 1860, the Pony Express was the fastest means to communicate from coast to coast in the United States. A [...]
A Fundraisers Take on the 6 Principles of Persuasion
According to the science of persuasion, based on research by Dr. Robert Cialdini, there are six principles that make you more persuasive. These principles apply to anything really, but for our work let's look at how they apply to fundraising.
The Real ROI on Fundraising with Social Media
As your organization develops its social media fundraising strategy, don’t forget to provide fundraisers w/ tips on how to use social media to raise money!