Improve Your Student Billing Process
Are you struggling with an inefficient student billing process? You are not alone. Many educational institutions face the challenge of [...]

School Choice and Blackbaud Software
There is a lot of discussion about “school choice” programs across the U.S. and how they impact students, families, and [...]

5 Things Colleges Can Do Right Now to Impact Fall 2024 Enrollment
The ongoing FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) delays have left students with less time to compare financial aid [...]

The Better FAFSA: What Colleges Need to Know Right Now
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid—commonly known as FAFSA®—is the form current and prospective college and career school students [...]

How to Improve On-Time Tuition Payments
Private and independent schools rely on tuition to fund operations. In its 2023–2024 Trendbook, the National Association of Independent Schools [...]

Why Higher Ed Professionals Should Attend bbcon 2023
bbcon is live and in person October 21-24! Join us in Denver for inspiring keynotes, thought-provoking breakout sessions, and how-to [...]

What are Learning Management Systems (LMS)?
What is an LMS? Find everything you need to know about learning management systems and how they benefit students and schools. Request a demo with Blackbaud today! [...]

3 Challenges and 4 Solutions to Increasing Scholarship Applications
Scholarship programs are critical tools for students to propel themselves forward and for schools to court and steward donors. Yet, [...]

What is Enrollment Management?
Dive into the fundamentals of enrollment management—the key to growing and retaining admissions for educational institutions. Read more today! [...]

What is a Student Information System (SIS)?
A student information system (SIS) helps schools manage a variety of student data and processes in a single web-based platform. Learn more Blackbaud today! [...]