Connecting Some Different Dots

Here are a couple of different connections worth checking out…
The Baudcast – Episode 8
This episode discusses Blackbaud NetCommunity v5.5, social networking noise, the European SONI Survey, and an interview with Marc Pitman. The panel discussion includes Chad Norman (Internet Marketing Manager), Melanie Milonas (Public Relations Manager), Allison Van Diest (Product Marketing Manager), and yours truly, all from Blackbaud. Look for more regular episodes and special guest appearances in the near future.
ePhilanthropy Foundation Symposium
This Saturday is the ePhilanthropy Foundation’s Social Networking and Nonprofit Online Strategies Symposium at Columbia University in NYC. I’ll be presenting a session called “Leveraging the Internet to Build Relationships and Expand the Reach of Your Organization Online” that takes some ideas from the People to People Fundraising book to the next level.
Inside the iPhone Numbers
The new features and the price cut on the iPhone G3 wasn’t the most interesting information to come out of Apple yesterday. Steve Jobs noted in his WWDC Keynote speech that 98% of iPhone users are browsing online, 94% are using email, 90% are using text messaging, 80% are using 10 or more features. That points to some behavior trends that are reshaping the phone market as iPhone copies continue to hit the market. How much longer can we actually call it a phone?
2007 Online Giving Trends
The Chronicle of Philanthropy has a series of articles about online giving trends in 2007. This is their annual review of what’s changing and what’s not in the online space. Nicole Wallace notes that “while Internet giving at many charities has continued to climb, the rate of growth has begun to taper off, and the increases haven’t been enough to offset declines in direct mail.” Much of the initial article seems to echo findings by Target Analytics in their 2007 Index of National Fundraising Performance: There are less donors giving more dollars and this trend has continued post-Katrina. Taking a look at some of the data from the articles also shed some light on trends. The Greater Des Moines Community Foundation had a 2929.5% YOY increase in online giving and the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund topped the list with $314,035,185 in online donations in 2007. There might be something to that whole community foundation market after all. More on all of this in a future blog post…