How to Create Nonprofit VIPs with Social Media
Guest post from Blackbaud intern, Ben Baker. Ben works on Blackbaud’s Corporate Communications Team, is a Graduate Student at University [...]
Social Media Lessons from 4 Generations of Canadian Donors
Social media may seem like the way to reach the next generation of donors. But, can you really raise money [...]
The Real ROI on Fundraising with Social Media
As your organization develops its social media fundraising strategy, don’t forget to provide fundraisers w/ tips on how to use social media to raise money!
Scanning for Good: 5 Reasons QR Codes Are a Safe Option for Nonprofits
At last year’s Blackbaud Conference for Nonprofits, Allison Nassour and I presented to a full room on the topic of [...]
Social Media for Stewardship
Everyone is talking about social media these days. Many common questions come my way: How can I get my social [...]
The Effectiveness of Celebrity Spokespeople in Social Fundraisers
New platforms like Crowdrise, Razoo, HelpAttack and many others are springing up along side establish platforms like Friends Asking Friends [...]
Slacktivism: Can Cartoons Raise Awareness or Just Make Us Feel Good?
Did you notice something toony about Facebook last weekend? In an effort to raise awareness for child abuse, thousands of [...]
Social Media Monitoring in 30 Minutes or Less
Most people will tell you that learning how to effectively monitor (or listen to) what’s being said on the web [...]
Social Media Strategy: ChildFund International
ChildFund International recently went through a complete rebranding. As part of that rebranding effort they decided to be much more [...]
Shades Of Gray: Social Media and Prospect Research
On October 7, Kate Lindsay Breck posted a provocative blog about the ethics of using information gathered from social media [...]