Volunteer Smarter, Not Harder: Tips from Your Fellow Social Good Pros
Are you looking for ways to manage your volunteers more effectively? To conclude National Volunteer Month, we’ve gathered the best [...]
Spring Clean Your Work Life: Tips from Your Fellow Social Good Pros
Spring has officially sprung, and it’s the perfect time to give your workspace a refresh! We asked our Blackbaud Champions [...]
Fending off Burnout for Fundraisers and Social Good Leaders
Nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, many, if not all, of us are tiptoeing between burn out and combustion. [...]
The Future of Social Good Leadership
How has the future of social good changed since COVID? Much of the answer has to do with how the [...]
American Rescue Plan Act: Impact on Nonprofits and Other Social Good Organizations
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act into law to provide an additional $1.9 trillion [...]
December 2020 COVID Relief – How the Latest COVID Relief Legislation Could Provide Relief to Social Good Organizations
Highlights of provisions from the December 2020 COVID-relief legislation that might impact social good organizations.
The sgENGAGE Podcast Episode 168: Looking Inside Blackbaud’s Social Good Startup Program
Roz Lemieux, head of Blackbaud Labs, talk about the goals for Blackbaud's Social Good Startup Program and why the 2021 cohort will have a focus on startups with diverse founders.
Resources to Help Social Good Professionals Rethink Change
Resources to help social good professionals remain resilient and impactful in a constantly changing world.
How Social Good Organizations Can Boost Voter Engagement in the U.S.
Nonpartisan tips for nonprofits and social good organizations to make sure our communities are engaged and voting.
The HEROES Act – How This Proposed Legislation Could Provide Relief to Social Good Organizations
Various provisions of the HEROES Act that could be of interest to social good organizations if it is passed and signed into law.