A Guide to Facebook Social Plugins for Nonprofits
You might have read about the recent changes Facebook made. Or maybe you’ve seen changes appearing on one of the [...]

Happy Birthday Beth Kanter- Nonprofit Social Media Maven and Endless Source of Inspiration
Happy Birthday Beth Kanter- Nonprofit Social Media Maven and Endless Source of Inspiration [...]

Creating a Social Networking Strategy
The first place to start is a proven and solid framework for your strategy. That bad news is that most [...]

Active, Advanced, or Averse—Nonprofit Change & Social Media
Active, Advanced or Averse - are nonprofits ahead or behind in social media and willing to change and evolve? [...]

Social Media Strategy: 12for12k Challenge with Danny Brown
We are excited to bring you an interview from one of the main drivers of the 12for12k Challenge – Danny [...]

From Mission Impossible to Mission Unstoppable: Cracking the Code on Nonprofit Brand Clarity
Does your nonprofit’s brand ever feel like it’s missing that one puzzle piece—something that, once found, could amplify your mission [...]

Adopting a New CRM? 4 Change Management Tips for Small Nonprofits
There is something special about smaller social good organizations. It’s as if you’re a magnet for selfless, hard-working, passionate, I-don’t-care-how-many-hats-I-have-to-wear kind [...]

Best Fundraising Tips Ever: Experts Share Ideas That Work
You can’t work in the social good sector without being very familiar with the concept of paying it forward. Donors [...]

12+ Reasons Higher Ed Professionals Should Attend bbcon 2024
Blackbaud’s annual tech conference is in Seattle September 24–26, and it will be packed with inspiring keynotes, thought-provoking breakout sessions, [...]

Highlighting 9 bbcon 2024 Sessions for Raiser’s Edge NXT® Users
Congratulations! You’re already using Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT, the world’s most popular and powerful system for professional fundraisers. Now it’s [...]