Stop Passing the Plate, Go Digital with Tithes and Offerings

In today’s busy world technology touches everything. From tablets for children and wifi enabled washing machines, we are all leveraging technology to make our lives just a little bit easier. We can automate even the most mundane of tasks such as paying bills. In this world of tech and automation why would we not want to automate giving?
The Bible talks about in Exodus, Proverbs, Deuteronomy and Leviticus that God’s followers are to give the first fruits of their crops to Him. While most of us are not still living an agrarian life and bringing crops to the temple priest, the principle still remains– God should be honored with the first part of our income.
“Generosity won’t happen unless you make it a priority. The best way to make giving a priority is to make it the very first check you write every month. Before the mortgage. Before groceries or clothing. Before saving. Whatever the amount, do it first.”
– Andy Stanley
With each passing year there are more and more things that are vying for our attention. This is true for all of our church members as well. Our calendars and to-do lists seem to almost fill themselves up. The old saying of “show me your checkbook and calendar and I’ll show you your priorities” has never been more true.
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”
– Stephen Covey
If something has importance in our lives we will schedule it because it is a priority. Most church members are already utilizing online recurring payments in order to prioritize various financial aspects of their life such as mortgage payments, utility bills, credit cards and subscription services. By offering similar payment technology many churches are already seeing the benefit in terms of not only online giving, but recurring giving.
- One study of how technology can be used for good found that 45% of Christian donors are currently enrolled in monthly giving programs.
- Another study found that churches that accept tithing online have seen an increase in overall donations by 32%.
- They also found that 60% of church members are willing to give digitally.
As our world continues to embrace new technology we as church leaders must do so as well. By offering the option of online giving and specifically recurring giving, we create the opportunity for our church members to prioritize God in a way that was not previously possible. By utilizing technology we can help our members put God first, and connect their hearts to His through obedient giving.
Blackbaud’s Church Management can help you implement an online giving platform that is user friendly for both church members and staff. For more information on Church Management go here.