Changemaker Spotlight: JD Trueblood, Turtle Creek Association
This Q&A series aims to provide readers with valuable insights from changemakers across the social impact community. JD Trueblood is [...]

Expert Process Tips to Ensure Year-End Fundraising Success
You are in full fundraising swing! Your team is executing your strategy, and you are confidently pulling the levers that [...]

Adopting a New CRM? 4 Change Management Tips for Small Nonprofits
There is something special about smaller social good organizations. It’s as if you’re a magnet for selfless, hard-working, passionate, I-don’t-care-how-many-hats-I-have-to-wear kind [...]

Ensuring Continuity: Succession Planning Strategies for Nonprofit Finance Teams
Nonprofit organizations have been experiencing significant labor shortages for years. But recently, increased demand for services and fewer people interested [...]

Changemaker Spotlight: Shemitria Smith, Clark Atlanta University
This Q&A series aims to provide readers with valuable insights from changemakers across the social impact community. Shemitria Smith, M.Ed. [...]

Questions to Ask If You Are Thinking About Moving to a New GMS
When your grantmaking organization first started, you didn’t need a lot of functionality to manage your single program and a [...]

What It Means to be a Connected K–12 School
The definition of “a connected school” could be many different things. Each description, at its core, stems from the answer [...]

Preparing for the Inevitable: How Grantmakers Can Thrive Amid Climate Events
A huge thank you to Audrey Kidwell, Grants Manager for the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, for providing many of the [...]

Leading with Innovation: Becoming a Chief Future Officer
Who needs a crystal ball when you have data? The role of a Chief Financial Officer has always been to [...]

The Crucial Role of Change Management for CFOs: Driving Sustainable Success in Nonprofit Finance
Though many nonprofit professionals are familiar with the term “change management,” few understand everything it involves. Finance departments and CFOs [...]