Tips for a Successful Moves Management System
Find out the steps healthcare and nonprofit organizations should take to implement moves management for fundraising programs.
Stories of Resilience: Annie Wright Schools
Learn how Annie Wright Schools is leveraging technology to stay connected with students, parents, teachers and alumni during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stories of Resilience: Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, social good organizations are working creatively to navigate the new landscape. In this series, the Blackbaud Institute shares stories of organizations that are focusing on resilience, weathering these many changes while still positioning themselves for future growth. For more insight including quarterly giving performance updates, visit the Blackbaud Institute Index.
Digital Transformation: A Tale of Two Resilient Nonprofits
Learn how digital transformation has helped drive impact at Special Olympics New York and the National Park Foundation.
Stories of Resilience: Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina
As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, social good organizations are working creatively to navigate the new landscape. In this series, the Blackbaud Institute shares stories of organizations that are focusing on resilience, weathering these many changes while still positioning themselves for future growth. For more insight including quarterly giving performance updates, visit the Blackbaud Institute Index.
Community Foundations, Donor Advised Funds, and Cloud-based Technology – An Insider’s Look At This Winning Trifecta
Community foundations that have not yet gone through a digital transformation are late to the game. Read about three key ways drive your mission forward.
Lessons from the Field: How Food Lifeline is Operating During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Learn how Food Lifeline, a member of Feeding America, continues to respond to community needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Benefits of Having Digitally Savvy Board – for Museums & Nonprofits Too!
Museums and other arts and cultural organizations need board members who will advance digital innovation and transform museums into truly modern organizations that are prepared to face today’s world.
Strategies for Powering Learning Through CRM Go-Live and Beyond
Empowering users to learn a new solution can be tough but it doesn’t have to be. Follow these four strategies to learn how to successfully onboard teams and maintain engaged and empowered users with ongoing education.
The 5 Laws of Successful IT Strategy and Planning
The five laws of successful IT strategy and planning are designed to encourage and inspire you to not only invest in technology services for your nonprofit organization, but to also provide a thought-map for the inevitable challenges.