5 CRM Tech Trends to Shape the Future of Your Enterprise Organization
To make faster and more intelligent business decisions, close to 70% of organizations plan to continue or increase their investments [...]

Strategies for Nonprofits Affected by QuickBooks Tag Depreciation
QuickBooks is depreciating the tags functionality in their accounting software starting March 8. If your nonprofit has chosen to use [...]

Using Your Fundraising CRM Software to Its Full Potential
As the senior manager of digital and data at the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation, I’m always looking for new [...]

Data Warehousing: A Game Changer for K–12 School Operations
In today’s digital age, data plays a crucial role in the functioning of educational institutions. One of the key tools [...]

How to Secure Your Grantmaking Processes with Effective Internal Controls
Your grantmaking system is one of your organization’s most valuable assets. It contains a history of past grant requests, payment [...]

5 Steps to Strengthen Your Grantmaking Organization’s Data Governance
A grant management system is no place for your garbage. And yet, many grantmakers leave duplicate records, incomplete contacts, and [...]

From Data Deluge to Impactful Decisions: Mastering Data in Grantmaking
Grantmakers are swimming in a sea of information. Applications, proposals, progress reports, impact metrics – the data collected throughout the [...]

Don’t Let Staff Turnover Affect Your Grantmaking Data Quality
Working in the nonprofit sector is hard. You and your grantees are driven by a passion for your mission that [...]

Integration: The Ultimate Solution for Nonprofit Data Silos
Many nonprofits struggle to maximize their data usage. In fact, when surveyed, 97% of nonprofit professionals expressed an interest in [...]

The One Record Myth in K–12 School Software
Is it possible to have one record for each constituent at a school? The short answer is no, not if [...]