Got Silos in Your Nonprofit? It’s Time to Build Some Bridges!
Meet Barbara and Alan As a nonprofit technology consultant, I spend a lot of time talking with people about their [...]

Artificial Intelligence: The Hotdog Conundrum
HBO’s Silicon Valley is a not-too-far removed parody of work at a small technology startup. In season four, Jian Yang [...]

4 Communications Strategy Tips for Donor Retention
A common misconception among newer nonprofit professionals is that every campaign or event is meant to attract new donors and [...]

5 Things You had No Idea Your Donation Form Could Do
Sometimes a new challenge occurs and needs a creative solution. If your challenge relates to accepting gifts, an online donation [...]

Encouraging Donors to Participate in Corporate Giving Programs
Corporate giving opportunities like matching gift programs, volunteer grants, and fundraising event matches allow nonprofits, donors, and corporations to build [...]

Don’t Get Lost in Translation: What Finance Needs from the Development System
Nonprofit financial reporting is the responsibility of the finance team. But in a fundraising organization, Finance is heavily dependent on [...]

Ask Maureen: Collecting Information from Nonprofit Supporters
Nonprofit digital strategist and technology coach Maureen Wallbeoff gives advice to social good professionals in this new sgENGAGE series. Have a [...]

Online Fundraising: 4 Best Practices to Boost Donations
Online fundraising takes a lot of strategizing, but it pays off for any size nonprofit. Implement these practices to see a boost in your organization’s revenue.

Predictive Modeling vs. Wealth Screening: Effective Segmentation Programs Require a Healthy Mix
The most successful and fully developed prospecting and segmentation programs require a healthy mix of multiple techniques.

How to Keep Donors Engaged When Everything is Changing
Three examples of how the Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation has pivoted to continue providing donor relations and stewardship to donors during COVID-19.