Participant Value After the Event
As we continue to ramp up for the spring event season, I want to bring a strategic data point to [...]

I heard it on the news
The vast majority of donor acquisition spend today is on direct mail. But just about every report you read shows [...]

It Takes Two to Table
Don’t tell anyone, but there was a time in my life when I didn’t know what “tabling” was. I was [...]

Socially Enabling your Mission—How Nonprofits Can Benefit from Online Communities
Recap of NTEN webinar with Convio, ThePort and Common Knowledge on online community best practices for nonprofit organizations and how to best integrate the data. [...]

Reactions to the 2008 donorCentrics Internet Giving Benchmarking Analysis
There has been a lot of discussion about the 2008 donorCentrics Internet Giving Benchmarking Analysis since it was released last week. The blogs, [...]