6 Ways Nonprofit Professionals Can Conquer Post-Pandemic Workplace Stress
You’re in year three of a challenge you initially thought would be resolved in two weeks. And even as we [...]

How Grantmakers Can Support Nonprofit Infrastructure Needs: A Conversation with Chantal Forster
For decades, “infrastructure” referred to the physical and tangible needs of a business or a community. The buildings we work [...]

Spring Clean Your Work Life: Tips from Your Fellow Social Good Pros
Spring has officially sprung, and it’s the perfect time to give your workspace a refresh! We asked our Blackbaud Champions [...]

Fending off Burnout for Fundraisers and Social Good Leaders
Nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, many, if not all, of us are tiptoeing between burn out and combustion. [...]

Challenges of Establishing an Employee Relief Fund (ERF) and Recommended Solutions
The growth in Employee Relief Funds (ERFs) exploded in the spring of 2020 as Covid-19 began to affect companies and [...]

Navigating Regulatory Requirements for Disaster and Hardship Relief Funds: A Guide for CSR Leaders
Many organizations want to help their own during tough times. Relief funds offer a vehicle to provide much-needed financial assistance [...]

Rapid Employee Relief in Disasters: How companies can provide timely and compassionate support to employees in their time of need
When disaster strikes, timing is everything, and the best kind of relief is the kind that comes fast. Disaster relief [...]

The Positive Social and Business Impacts of Employee Relief Grants During COVID-19
As we know all too well, the global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has impacted far more than our health; COVID-19 has [...]

Embracing Change: A Post-Pandemic Nonprofit Sector
It is almost unfathomable that just a little over a year ago nonprofits were operating in a “world-as-we-knew it” mentality. [...]

5 Tips for Improving Employee Emotional and Mental Well-Being
The world has officially surpassed the one-year mark of a remote workforce for many companies – a year full of [...]