What Are Admin Expenses?
Employee salaries, purchasing office supplies, and paying the electric bill so the lights keep working are all examples of the admin costs.

Project Management Tips: Timeline
By: Jett Winders, Program Manager, Charity Dynamics In our first post on project management, we identified seven characteristics of a winning [...]

What Makes an IT Project Successful? Nonprofit Edition, Part Two
What makes an IT project at a nonprofit organization successful?

Pajama Parties? Three Rules for Running Virtual Meetings
In my last blog post “I Get to Work in My Pajamas,” I got a ton of great comments and [...]

Clearing a Path to a Better Website
By: Caleb Copper, Blackbaud Interactive Designer With summer just around the corner, now is a great time to examine your [...]

Clear Language Matters: Your Nonprofit’s Mission Deserves It
Having worked at the intersection of nonprofits and business for more than 20 years, I have spent ample time (i.e. [...]

Live from NTC! A Sneak Peak at the 2013 Online Benchmark Report
Dennis McCarthy and I had the pleasure of presenting Online Benchmarking: What Worked in 2012 at the Nonprofit Technology Conference in Minneapolis, MN. Though the full report is not out, we shared the key findings to those who attended in person and online.

What’s All The Fuss About ROI?
Jargon in fundraising analytics seems to be all over cyberspace, and this blog will help explain one of the most commonly used terms, Return On Investment (ROI)

8 Frequently Forgotten Costs of IT Projects and How to Plan for Them
A successful IT project has a comprehensive plan with a budget that matches. Remember these keys to success for your next implementation.

How to thank your Board? Sing their praises.
As we stop to give thanks this season, have you thought about how to say thank you to your most loyal donors - your Board of Directors? Stop NOW. Read this!