What are Challenge Gifts?
Challenge gifts are an effective tool for incentivizing donations and recruiting new donors. Request a demo with Blackbaud to simplify challenge gift campaigns. [...]

Unraveling the Threads App for Fundraisers
Modern fundraising depends on meeting your supporters where they are. Increasingly, those spaces are virtual and constantly evolving. Threads, a [...]

How to Convert Peer-to-Peer Event Participants into Monthly Donors
If your nonprofit organization hosts a peer-to-peer event with thousands of happy participants and supporters, but you don’t have a [...]

Building a Complete Virtual Auction Toolkit: 5 Essentials
Virtual auctions are a great way to raise support and engage donors heading into the year-end giving season, but you’ll need the right tools on your side.

What is Peer-to-Peer Fundraising?
Discover the power of peer-to-peer fundraising with Blackbaud's latest guide. Learn how to engage your network and raise more for your cause! [...]

5 Effective Annual Giving Campaign Ideas to Maximize Success
Fundraising events and one-time campaigns are great ways to raise money for your organization, but infrequent fundraisers don’t provide consistent [...]

A Run for Inclusion—Why I’m Running the Publix Half Marathon to Benefit Kyle Pease Foundation
How do you practice inclusivity? I challenged myself to run the Atlanta half marathon last February to support a nonprofit [...]

4 Ways Nonprofits Can Increase Text Messaging ROI
One of the takeaways from the recently-released “Giving by Generation” special report was that more donors are now giving to [...]

How to Fundraise for a Nonprofit
Charitable giving is essential to your nonprofit, but fundraising can be one of your most daunting tasks. It requires preparation, [...]

How to Make This Your Most Successful Library Giving Day
Library Giving Day is an international one-day fundraising event that could significantly boost your library’s fundraising potential. How can you [...]