Who to Target with Your Planned Giving Program & Why
As many nonprofits of all sizes now recognize, planned giving represents a significant opportunity to advance their missions. This form [...]

What is Your End-of-Year Strategy for Planned Gifts of Assets?
The call came on December 2. The caller and I had met a few years before. He was a donor [...]

How The Salvation Army Uses Power BI to Boost Major Giving
To help major gift officers focus on donors instead of desk work, The Salvation Army Southern Territory has begun using [...]

Unlock Millions in New Funding via Stock Donations
Nonprofit organizations, higher education institutions, and healthcare foundations are embracing stock gifting to diversify and grow funding as the rebound [...]

Tips for Non-Cash Donations to Your Organization
The average American has 9% of their net worth in cash. The other 91% is in non-cash assets. Yet 99% [...]

How to Make Your Capital Campaign an Effective Trojan Horse
Do you remember that huge wooden horse that the Greeks left outside the gates of Troy during the Trojan War? [...]

7 Database Goals for Your Independent School’s Capital Campaign
When evaluating your school’s readiness for a capital campaign, database readiness might not be at the top of the list [...]

What is Planned Giving?
Recruiting planned donors and planned giving programs encourages long-term growth in nonprofit organizations. Learn more from Blackbaud today. [...]

5 Effective Annual Giving Campaign Ideas to Maximize Success
Fundraising events and one-time campaigns are great ways to raise money for your organization, but infrequent fundraisers don’t provide consistent [...]

4 Reasons to Start Planning Ahead for Giving Tuesday
Whether you’re brand new to nonprofit work or a veteran of the sector, you know that Giving Tuesday is one [...]