How Would You Rate Your Prospect Management System?| Part 4
Final post in a four-part series that outlines the various levels of prospect management we encounter with our clients. This blog deals with “Level 4: Well-oiled machine: All systems in place with nearly 100% adoption.”
How Would You Rate Your Prospect Management System?| Part 3
This is the 3rd in a series of 4 blogs related to developing and growing a prospect management system
What Lies Within: A Journey Through Wealth Screening
Target Analytics’ WealthPoint Professional prides itself on having a wide representation of asset, philanthropic and biographical data sources that can offer keen insights on prospects.
“Getting Real” with Donors: Creating a Culture of Philanthropy for Securing Unrestricted Gifts
What if there was a way to inspire nonprofit donors to make unrestricted gifts? Read this article to learn how to do just that..
Include Paper in Your Spring Cleaning
Guest Post by Laura Ngan Tian, Senior Consultant for Blackbaud’s Financial Management suite Spring is here! Wouldn’t it be nice [...]
The Top 4 Challenges Facing Arts and Cultural Organizations
Challenges Arts and Cultural organizations face when developing programs and events for patrons.
Peer to Peer – It’s Not Just For Races Anymore
Peer to Peer fundraising is no longer just for events. It can be leveraged by all nonprofits to boost fundraising, mission awareness, and tap into your supporters' networks.
Build, Buy, or Customize?
When should you customize software, and what are the tradeoffs?
Engaging Young Donors
One of the biggest challenges facing non-profit organizations today is changes in generational giving.
Two Surprising Ways to Broaden Your Reach Online
Online marketing can take many forms. Email, web design, user-generated content and paid search are all ways to improve your [...]