Social Media Lessons from 4 Generations of Canadian Donors
Social media may seem like the way to reach the next generation of donors. But, can you really raise money [...]

What’s Your Conversion Rate: Live from #BBCON
Blackbaud hosted its annual conference for nonprofits from September 29 through October 1 in National Harbor, MD. Nonprofit experts from [...]

The Making of a Donor Ready Patron: Live from #BBCON
Blackbaud hosted its annual conference for nonprofits from September 29 through October 1 in National Harbor, MD. Nonprofit experts from [...]

How Do Canadians Give? The Answers May Surprise You!
Does it matter if you know the charitable habits of different generations of Canadians? Yes. Why? What you know about [...]

End-of-Year Campaign Planning: 6 Things to Get Done in September
If you haven’t given your end-of-year campaign any thought, here’s a checklist of what to get done in September

Governance is Fun… Really!
Why is it, when the list of committees is passed around and board members are asked to volunteer, few it [...]

Testing Your Donation Form Part 2: Designing Your Test
Note: This is the second in a series of posts about usability testing your website from guest author Brandon Granger, [...]

Pajama Parties? Three Rules for Running Virtual Meetings
In my last blog post “I Get to Work in My Pajamas,” I got a ton of great comments and [...]

Five Ways to Ensure Your Event Makes Headline News
Walk into a coffee shop in any size town, and you will see a bulletin board chock-a-block with posters for [...]

Back to School and Board Governance
As we complete our back to school shopping and send all the kids back to the classrooms, I couldn't help but realize some things these groups have in common.