5 Fundraising Power Principles to End Your Year Strong
The nonprofit fundraising numbers make a compelling case for a strong end-of-year effort. A remarkable 30% of annual giving occurs [...]

How to Use Data to Reduce Your Direct Mail Marketing Costs
With the rise of mailing costs coupled with worldwide fundraising competition for every cent, your nonprofit organization can’t afford to [...]

5 Key Software Compliance Questions to Strengthen Your Approach
Every organization, no matter your mission, function, or size, is subject to a variety of laws and standards intended to [...]

3 Ways Expense Management Can Help Your Nonprofit Close Its Books Faster
Can your nonprofit confidently say you are successfully closing the books on time every month—or even most months? As someone [...]

4 Reasons Why Government Agencies Need Fund Accounting Software
As a government agency, your team is used to doing more with less. But just because your accounting is complicated—with [...]

Data Governance: The Key to Strategic Planning
Data is power and behind every data point is a human story. Your data tells you who is supporting your [...]

Trends in Grantmaking: Putting Equitable Grantmaking into Practice
Having a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workspace is the right thing to do. But above that, the evidence is irrefutable: [...]

Is Your Nonprofit Using Data to Boost Productivity?
Let’s talk about productivity. Nonprofit leaders need no convincing that this is an exciting topic, but what about frontline fundraisers [...]

Data Health and Integration for Foundations Part 2: Business Imperatives
I recently received my copy of Giving USA 2021. This year’s publication highlighted how different 2020 was and, in fact, [...]

Even Storms Bear Fruit: Monumental Fundraising Opportunities For Food Banks In The Post-COVID Era
There we were, oblivious to the storm coming our way. In early 2020, all seemed normal. But then COVID came [...]