60-Day Guide to Launching Your Fund Accounting Extensibility Project
Having a fund accounting system can significantly streamline your finance function. You have automation, workflows, and dashboards immediately after implementation. [...]

Return on Mission: A Framework to Measure Success at Philanthropic Organizations
As a nonprofit organization, which factor do you believe best showcases the success of your mission? As with many multiple-choice [...]

Data Warehousing: A Game Changer for K–12 School Operations
In today’s digital age, data plays a crucial role in the functioning of educational institutions. One of the key tools [...]

Strengthening Social Impact: Actionable Insights from The Generosity Commission Report
In recent years, the landscape of generosity in America has undergone significant transformation. While the total funding for nonprofits continues [...]

The Power of APIs in Grantmaking: What You Need to Know
Modern APIs are the secret behind many of the conveniences we enjoy today, from getting weather updates on our phones [...]

The Higher Ed Enrollment Cliff: What 280,000 Surveys Tell Us
The 2025 enrollment cliff is real and more than a demographic blip: it’s a siren of profound changes in higher [...]

How to Make a Donor Profile in 5 Easy Steps
You can make a useful and insightful donor profile with data from a few donors and a couple hours of your time. Here are the five steps to get you started!

Top 4 Donor Prospect Research Tips Leading to Bigger Gifts
Learn the four most effective ways prospect researchers can contribute more donors and dollars to their organization.

Information: The Better Half of IT
We sometimes forget that IT stands for Information Technology. As a society, we have become obsessed with the “Technology” half—the [...]

Helpful Ways to Measure and Optimize Your Nonprofit’s Performance
Unless you measure your nonprofit’s performance, it’s impossible to know where you are succeeding and where you need to focus [...]