How to Determine Your Needs When Choosing a New Fundraising CRM
Choosing a new fundraising CRM is exciting–but also needs careful consideration. When embarking on a technology project, you should always [...]
Information: The Better Half of IT
We sometimes forget that IT stands for Information Technology. As a society, we have become obsessed with the “Technology” half—the [...]
Your Unrestricted Funds Need Stewardship, Too
Since she signed the Giving Pledge in 2019 and began her momentous campaign of organization-changing donations, MacKenzie Scott has given [...]
What Are You Really Asking? A Checklist for Grantmakers
As a grantmaker, questions are your tools. They help you gather information, assess needs, measure outcomes, and build relationships with [...]
8 Steps for Creating a Nonprofit Innovation Culture
Embracing innovation can transform your nonprofit. But for innovation to thrive, you must embrace a culture where the entire nonprofit [...]
Harnessing Higher Education Advancement Technology to the Fullest
Universities across the globe face challenges with successful digital transformation and what it means for their fundraising and alumni data, [...]
Don’t Jeopardize Your Nonprofit Compliance with a Commercial Accounting System
Grant-funded nonprofits know compliance isn’t a nice-to-have. It’s a must-have. You might be able to win back an unhappy donor [...]
10 Tips for Mastering Your Grantmaking Dashboards
The dashboard on your car gives you real-time information that helps you make better decisions about your driving. Are you [...]
Investigating and Improving the Questions You Ask Grantees
Back in the mid-2010s, I served as chair of the selection committee for the Washington, DC region’s biggest award recognizing [...]
Need a New Grant Management System? 5 Tips for Selecting the Best GMS for Your Foundation
Changing a core piece of software at your grantmaking organization is no picnic. But inertia is not an option when [...]