I Signed up for What?! A Primer for Pre- and Post-Award Grant Readiness
In the last five years, nonprofits have witnessed a significant upswing in the availability of federal funding. Initiatives like the [...]

5 Ways Fund Accounting Simplifies Financial Reporting for Community Health Centers
With multiple points of accountability and dynamic funding sources, accounting professionals in community health centers face complex challenges. Not the [...]

Taking the Guesswork out of Managing Restrictions with a Fund Accounting Solution
You know how important it is to manage your funds according to their purpose and source. That includes ensuring that [...]

Your Unrestricted Funds Need Stewardship, Too
Since she signed the Giving Pledge in 2019 and began her momentous campaign of organization-changing donations, MacKenzie Scott has given [...]

3 Strategies to Build Your Organization’s Financial Capacity
Here are three strategies your organization can use to build its capacity to plan for more, not less resources to meet its mission.

Why Fund Accounting Software Beats Spreadsheets for Nonprofit Grant Reporting and Compliance
You’ve been grant shopping for some time now, but are you prepared for what’s next once you start to receive [...]

Statement of Activities: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
The Statement of Activities—commonly referred to as an SOA—is one of four essential financial statements for nonprofit organizations. It offers [...]

5 Tips for Community Health Centers to Transition to New Fund Accounting Software
The right fund accounting software can save you time and streamline your processes. But as a community health center, you’re [...]

4 Financial Metrics to Increase Transparency for Your Nonprofit
Every day, you and your donors are inundated with thousands of pieces of news and bits of information. It can [...]

How Nonprofit Accounting is Different from Small Business Accounting
Accounting is an essential part of any ongoing enterprise. It is the meticulous process of recording and organizing financial transactions [...]