Thinking in the Gray: A 2024 Leadership Challenge
Every year when the calendar rolls over into the new year, leaders are presented with a fresh set of challenges. [...]
Why Higher Ed Professionals Should Attend bbcon 2023
bbcon is live and in person October 21-24! Join us in Denver for inspiring keynotes, thought-provoking breakout sessions, and how-to [...]
The Hat Trick: Aligning Your School’s Three Revenue Teams
In sports, a “hat trick” is when a player scores three goals in a single game. The phrase dates back [...]
Nonprofit Strategic Planning: 4 Tips to Shape Your Future
Do you ever feel like working toward your nonprofit’s long-term goals seems more like a game of chance than a [...]
Why K–12 Professionals Should Attend bbcon 2023
bbcon is back in-person October 22–24 in Denver, Colorado! This year, we are co-locating Blackbaud’s K–12 User Conference so education [...]
Trends in Grantmaking: Workplace Wellness for Grantmakers and the Nonprofits They Support
Employee burnout was around long before the transition from work to home meant moving to a different cushion on the [...]
Why You Should Stop Trying to Save the World
If you really want to make a difference through your social good career, start by taking time for yourself right now because you can’t “change the world” if you’re not around long enough to make that happen.
An Arts & Cultural Professional’s Guide to bbcon 2022 Virtual
Visionaries worldwide are attending bbcon—Blackbaud’s Tech Conference for Good™— virtually October 17–18 to learn from thought leaders in fundraising, marketing, [...]
A Guide to bbcon 2022 for K–12 School Professionals
Blackbaud’s Tech Conference for Good™ is October 17–18, when thought leaders from around the world will share insights into education, [...]
4 Critical Elements of Managing Development Officers
There are many factors in fundraising, from early engagement to a donor’s ultimate or legacy gift. Some of these factors [...]