6 Takeaways from the Nonprofit Text Messaging Insights Report
Text messaging is an increasingly important resource for reaching supporters with unmatched immediacy. Not only are 99% of text messages [...]

How to Make Small Changes for Big Impact on Your Donation Form
Your online donation form is one of the most important components of your digital fundraising efforts. How important? Charitable gifts [...]

How to Build a Culture Around Your CRM and Use it for Growth
One element constant and vital to your nonprofit is your organizational culture. Culture breathes life into your organization and unites [...]

Tips for Non-Cash Donations to Your Organization
The average American has 9% of their net worth in cash. The other 91% is in non-cash assets. Yet 99% [...]

What Would Your Organization Do With a $50 Million Donation?
What does the path to a $50 million donation look like? It begins with you believing it is possible. Then, [...]

How to Make a Donor Profile in 5 Easy Steps
You can make a useful and insightful donor profile with data from a few donors and a couple hours of your time. Here are the five steps to get you started!

7 Tips to Increase Your Online Fundraising Success
Online giving continues to rise. Is your nonprofit taking advantage of the trend? These 7 donation page tips will help you boost your online fundraising success

Maximize Your Progress: 4 Poor Fundraising Habits to Kick
The best fundraising strategies are constantly changing, adapting to meet new patterns in giving preferences and engagement opportunities. As best [...]

7 Database Goals for Your Independent School’s Capital Campaign
When evaluating your school’s readiness for a capital campaign, database readiness might not be at the top of the list [...]

Streamline the Donor Journey: From First Gift to Lifelong Support
Whether your fundraising year is tracking ahead of schedule, right on track, or you’re off to a bit of a [...]